Help get more Greens elected

Please donate now to support our campaign for parliamentary and council seats across the Borough of Rochdale.


If you support what we are doing, please consider making a donation. You can do that easily and simply by sending a cheque payable Oldham, Saddleworth and Rochdale Green Party to:

Rochdale Green Party
c/o 2 Mollis Grove,

If you are already a Green Party member, your subscriptions go to the the National Party, largely to fund national activities.  The local party recieves a small amount from them, as an annual capitation sum.  You might like to make a montly donation to the local Green Party on a regular basis.  This can be done via a Standing Order payment. A Standing Order form can be found here.  You just need to complete it and return it to your bank - NOT the Green Party. Alternatively you can just contact your bank with the details from the form.

Rochdale Green Party members are hard at work all year round - delivering leaflets, sweating over press releases and canvassing for support in the forthcoming elections. And this is work that should produce results, but hard labour, great representatives, and policies to tackle climate change, social injustice and the drive to war are not enough - the Green Party campaign also needs cash to deliver its message effectively.

It costs £20 to print 100 glowing green window posters, £200 to print a ward newsletter, £500 to stand a candidate in the General election...

We in the Green Party don't have dodgy billionaire donors, we don't take dirty money from grubby big businesses, we're not in the pockets of media barons, but that means that we do have to ask our supporters and party members to dig deep, to contribute as much as you can.

YOUR CASH could be the contribution that takes us over the line. You can do that easily and simply by sending a cheque to the address above. In order to comply with election law, you need to be on the electoral register and to give us your name and address.


We also need more volunteers out speaking to residents and delivering our newsletters, to make sure we get the Green Party's message across to every voter in the area.  Please consider joining the Green Party and donating your time too!

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